Hello treasured friends, I am so happy to be connecting with you today :) I hope you have had an enjoyable week and have taken out quality time to incorporate into your days something healthy and positive, that brings you joy. Sometimes it is the simple things in life that brings you such happiness and fullness to your soul. If this has been a week that you would love to toss out the door, and not revisit, I am so sorry about that! On a positive note, today is a new day and great possibilities and opportunities are ahead, we just need to "Stay The Course!"
It is so easy to veer off in the wrong direction and take wrong turns that are only going to make your life more difficult. Our insatiable desires can seem as if we can't move forward unless we do this one thing next, whatever that one thing is. As I am writing this, the movie City Slickers is popping into my head. If you have never seen it, it was one of my families favorites back in the 90's. It is PG-13 so make sure you feel it is appropriate for your family if you decide to experience it. There is one line, out of several great lines in the movie, where (Mitch) Billy Crystal is having an in depth conversations with Curly, the up till now scary ranch hand, as they are riding on horseback to find and gather the cattle who have strayed, (Mitch) starts to get more comfortable with Curly on the ride, and he begins to drum up a conversation with him. Curly looks at him and lets him in a bit by telling him an impactful story in his life, he then say's a statement to Billy that turns out to be life changing for him. Curly say's, "You know what the secret of life is.......? as he hold up one finger. It was an ah-ha moment that will make all the difference in the days to come for Mitch. I am going to leave what happens next, to the clip I have attached for you to watch, if you choose. (I am warning you the sh_t word is in there a few times, and Curly is smoking a cig, so if that's an issue, just don't click on the link. I personally think the scene is classic and thought provoking, and what happens after that is even better... https://youtu.be/PunAKEccqyU
One of the main reasons I started this BLOG is because I feel I have a heart to help encourage and motivate people in their lives. I have felt stuck before in my younger years, feeling as if I am not on a path that is leading to much, and have worked through it. I know it is not a great place to be for any length of time. It's a place I feel the enemy loves to keep us in as long as he can. The sooner we can climb out of this valley, and step out of the weeds, the sooner we can move forward and experience a clearer path that God has for us. This clearer path will lead to a more peaceful life, so we can begin to experience real change, peace, and fre

I believe The Lord is paving a path for me to help others who are needing some encouragement and guidance, as they are wanting to grow and push forward in their lives. If you are experiencing STUCK, or needing some motivation to step out of your comfort zone, or possibly need some guidance as you are navigating how to incorporate true change, that leads to freedom, I am here to walk through it with you. Remember, Iron sharpens iron! Going back to the classic line in the movie City Slickers, "You know what the secret of life is...........? (such a cliffhanger!) I believe true change is achieved by a change of heart, a change in mindset, accompanied with discipline, and the help of Jesus Christ. Growing is a process and has it's stages, but if we stay the course, we will see beautiful things happen in our lives. Change can be uncomfortable, but it is in that uncomfortable stages we can blossom and grow.
(We are reminded of the stages of growth, when we see a rose bud progress into a fully bloomed, spectacular Rose. As the pedals open up and relax, the full beauty is revealed. These are the 1st blooms on our new "Love & Peace" rose bush, planted 2 weeks ago :)

My husband found an amazing series from a Pastor named Craig Groeschel about a month ago, and I have not forgotten about it. I found his principles in the first episode so fascinating, I thought I would share it with you. We watched it together and it resonated so well with both of us. If you are interested in watching an episode a week, then adding a comment into the comments section of MY Blog, as to what resonated with you after each episode, I will be happy to send a recap of the takeaways, to those who participated. It is a 6 part series. I will give the link to each episode, each week for 6 weeks. They are approximately 35 amazing minutes each. This could be a great way for us all to walk through this together, grow, participate, and change some of our (not so lovely) ways, are you ready?!
If you haven't already done so and want to participate, please make sure you SUBSCRIBE at the bottom of my homepage to get a notification via email, when I publish a new post. The next 6 weeks I will post a new link in this Sermon Series.
As I was writing this post, my friend Ingrid text me and said that for some reason a verse came up unexplainably on her phone with my contact name under it when she was responding to a text I sent her earlier. She said she had never seen anything like that happen on her phone before (we both saw it as being such a God thang) so I told her I better include this scripture in this weeks post, so here it is:
1 Peter 2:24-25 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I am looking forward to seeing your comments as the weeks go by! Let me know how you are liking the series as I post them. As you choose to spend some of your valuable time on this site, I would like to invite you to click on the "BLOG" tile on the home page to see all of my posts, as only a few are shown on the front page. If you are on your cell, you can find more blogs and additional info if you would like to dive deeper, under the brown square menu button, in the top right-hand corner of the home page. Enjoy!
WEEK 1 of 6
Click the link below to watch the sermon on CHANGE, then COMMENT on my BLOG site, what impactful Principles stood out to you in Episode 1: When You Are Sick Of Being Stuck
I believe if you Stay The Course and allow The Lord to change you from within, this is where you will see true change in your life :) Say a prayer before watching each episode and ask God to move in your life, reveal what He is trying to say to you, and help you to change from the inside out! I will include my blog site incase you need to reference it: www.intoyourgrowth.com
Have a lovely, successful, healthy, blessed, and joyful week!
God bless you my friends,