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Holy Week

Writer's picture: Jen HenryJen Henry

Updated: Apr 10, 2023

Hello friends, I hope you are well and having a blessed and enlightening Holy week. This has been a busy last few weeks, but I have been enjoying all that has come with it. As I continue to press forward on my growth journey, I hope I can be of encouragement and inspiration to you. My husband Mike has been a very patient and understanding man, and I am doing my best to have a healthy work life balance. It's a work in progress as many of you are well aware of :) Somehow someway I have popped up this morning around 5 am, after working for hours on my Blog site yesterday, and going to bed late. I was inspired to change the name of my site for a few different reasons. As this site is evolving and ever growing, I want to make sure as it is in motion, that I am fairly clear on the why I am so passionate about this, and what is this site all about, and who it is for?! Why Am I into you and your growth, you ask?!

The why is, I want to sow seeds of encouragement, inspiration, and loving care into you, and Into Your Growth, as I am growing myself. I would like to see this site grow into a community of all types of people near and far. The internet is a big place, full of good and not so good, and I would like to spread some positivity and encouragement into the who, which is YOU! We all could use a dose of encouragement, inspiration, care, and knowledge as we navigate our lives through the growth and development journey. We need to increase our daily growth with knowledge, covered by wisdom, and put it into action. I believe in YOU, I believe in myself, and above all else, I believe in The Heavenly Father who is our ultimate guide. He made you unique and one-of-a-kind, and He planted in you all the various gifts and talents, that are just waiting to be discovered and developed. Let's Do This Together!

In The Holy Bible, the word of God says in John 1:1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

I believe The Holy Bible is the living word of God. It is the manual we can always refer to that has the power to breath life and revelation into you, as you read it over and over. No matter what you are going through, it will guide you and increase you in eternal knowledge and wisdom.

Because He believes in Me, I believe in you! We are capable of so much because God gives us supernatural strength to move forward everyday, if we draw near to Him. One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you....

For this Blog Post, Since we are in the midst of Holy Week, I am going to let the experts explain what this week means and the importance of pausing daily and recognizing what went on over 2000 years ago, that effects our lives today. We are in the week before Jesus died for each and every one of us, so that we can be redeemed, washed clean, and have eternal life, if we believe and accept Jesus as our savior. I am attaching an article from Crosswalk that does a great job in explaining what Holy Week is. I loved it, and I hope you enjoy it as well. I encourage you to say a short prayer before reading it, if you feel comfortable or uncomfortable :) and ask God to bring to light the message he has for you, as you read this article inspired by scripture.

Have a lovely week as we approach Easter, and what it means. I am so thankful you dropped by. I invite you to look around the blog and discover all that is under the different tabs.

I have added some bonus info to the "Food For Thought" section at the top of my blog if you are interested in checking it out. Also, you are invited to add your email in the "Subscribe" section at the bottom of my blog, if you would like to be notified via email, when I add a new post. This is for anyone who hasn't already done so :) Please leave any comments you might have or let us know what you are doing to Grow in your life. I will refer to this as the Grow My Know Challenge. Let's cheer each other on as we takes step's into our growth journey.

I have added some pictures of some of the trees around our property. The Palm fronds on the Palm Tree are significant because of what they were used for and the significance of them in Bible times and today.

I am adding pictures of the tree Mike planted for me right before we got married. He planted this lovely tree because I was moving from my place in the LA area, down to his place after we got married. I was going to miss this tree immensely . The tree on my property in LA would bloom, on or right before my birthday every year. It was so spectacular because the fragrance was so heavenly and the color of the blooms start out lavender or purple and fade into white over the next few days. I always considered it a Gift from God for my birthday. I would know nothing about this tree had I not witnessed the blooms years ago at one of my best friend, Jen Z's house. She is most definitely a part of my circle of Growth and I would love for you to get inspired to join Our Circle Of Growth :)

This Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Tree Mike planted for me in 2018 at our current home, usually blooms right after my birthday around Easter. This is what it looks like today on 4/5/23, right before it is ready to burst with blooms.

(A Close up picture, look closely for the buds)

The color of the flowers change into 3 different colors as the blooms mature. It is so stunning, I cant wait for you to see it, as the cycle begins. I wish I could bottle the fragrance and send it to you in this post, but we are not quite there yet. Maybe it will be a reality in the future. Until then, I will document the growth cycle for you, so you can enjoy it as well.

I love how the 3 different colors happen in progression, as the days go by. As I think of the process this tree goes through, before it bursts into new life each spring and begins its cycle of color progression, I am reminded of what Jesus did for us over 2000 years ago. In the 33 years He was alive on this earth in human form, before being resurrected, ended in a 3 day event, beginning with Jesus being betrayed, then tortured. He was God in the form of man, and did not have to go through that horrific event, but He loved us so much, he chose to, he didn't have to. In the hours after he was nailed to the cross, darkness fallen upon the land and after he took his last breathe, the earth began to shake, the veil in the temple tore in half on it's own, from the top to bottom, and the rocks split, and the tombs broke open, and the bodies of many holy people who had died, were raised to life. The body of Jesus laid lifeless in the tomb beginning Friday, and was resurrected from the grave on Sunday. From those life changing historical moments on, many embrace that He truly was, and is God in the form of Man. Life would never be the same as we know it had he not done this. He took on the sin of the world for all of us, rose from the grave, and now He lives and is available to us 24/7!

Here is the scripture if you would like to reference it from The Holy Bible:

Thank you is not nearly enough, but I have to say it! Thank you Jesus!

I wanted to point out the words I intentionally put in Bold, in this post. When put together they read:

Why Am I Into Your Growth, Let's Do This Together! Because I believe in you!

I truly do!

Thank you for stopping by, until next time,

Big Hugs to you all,



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Apr 06, 2023
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So good Jen. Thanks so much for your willingness to listen to the Holy Spirit and to invest in your friends, family and readers like you do. You are such a blessing to us all. - Ang.

Jen Henry
Jen Henry
Apr 07, 2023
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